Dana Spradley, shakespeare.com's Publisher and Prospero's official legal agent (hereinafter referred to simply as "shakespeare.com"), is the sole owner of all information collected on shakespeare.com, except as otherwise noted. Some of this information is personal information about users themselves, collected through registration forms and demographic surveys. shakespeare.com will not sell, share, or rent such personal information about users to others except as indicated below. This statement also outlines the uses shakespeare.com makes of this personal information.
To gain access to certain interactive features of shakespeare.com, users may
have to complete a registration form that asks for their email address. The
email address is used to identify the user in shakespeare.com's internal systems,
and to send them official shakespeare.com communicationsfor example, to
send them a them a temporary password when they first register, and to verify
any changes they make to their registration information. shakespeare.com may
also use this email address to publicize new features to registered users as
they become available.
shakespeare.com may also ask users to supply demographic information during or after the registration processfor example their zip code or income level. This information may be used to characterize shakespeare.com's audience to potential advertisers in the aggregate, but not with reference to any particular individual. The information to which this restriction applies will be marked as such.
Cookies and IP Addresses
Cookies are bits of data stored on the users own hard drive containing
information about that user. They make it possible for shakespeare.com to identify
users who have logged on, so that they can be allowed to access certain interactive
features. If a user rejects shakespeare.com's cookies, they cannot use these
features. The cookies shakespeare.com distributes are set so that only shakespeare.com
should be able to retrieve them.
shakespeare.com also takes note of the IP address of users who make use of its interactive features, so that those who abuse them can be blocked. IP addresses are public knowledge; no one can use the Internet without revealing them.
Some shakespeare.com business partners may distribute cookies through our siteadvertisers, for example. shakespeare.com has no control over how these cookies are used. If users are concerned, they should consult the partner's own privacy policy.
Partner Sites
shakespeare.com may provide links to the sites of business partners who collect
personal and financial information from users to process orders, provide financial
services, or supply other services that users request. shakespeare.com takes
no responsibility for the privacy of this information: that is a matter strictly
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does not knowingly partner or affiliate with disreputable sites.
shakespeare.com does not intentionally collect any truly sensitive information
from userscredit card or social security numbers, for example. If we do,
we'll collect it via a secure connection, and store it securely on our server.
If users publish such information of their own accord through the interactive features shakespeare.com currently provides, however, that is entirely their own concern, and shakespeare.com disavows all responsibility for any consequences.
Besides personal information about users, shakespeare.com also collects information
through a number of interactive features that allow users to publish their thoughts
on Shakespeare and other matters people to see. Nothing in this privacy statement
should be construed as limiting shakespeare.com's right to sell, rent, share,
publish, or republish this information, in whatever format and through whatever
means shakespeare.com deems appropriate.
Notification of Changes
Users will be notified of any changes in this policy through updated versions
of this document.
last updated