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"What We Already Know" Vs. "Invention"

You wrote:

>>> In the first place, I tend to walk out
the door when someone 'dictates' anything to me. <<


>>> In the second
place, what kind of scholarship are you talking about? Are
you saying art scholars don't study VanGogh's portraits to
chart the course of his growing madness? <<<

If one had no evidence of his madness, then that would be
a perfect example of the Oxfordian school, would it not?

>>>>Are you saying
those same art critics don't follow Picasso through his
numerous periods and piece together an emotional picture of
his life, political, personal, sexual?<<<

To do so beyond what is otherwise evidenced is crap, pure
and simple.

>>> Are you saying Sam
Clemens scholars don't comb through Huck Finn and Puddin'Head
Wilson for clues and insights augmenting what they know
already about the man? <<<

There. You are so close, one might actually think you could
see it. Re-read what you wrote, above. Try to focus in
particular on that phrase, "augmenting what they know already
about the man..."

Stick to that, and you are likely to go far.

>>>> Recently English poet laureate Robert Hughes
did a critical examination of Venus and Adonis in which he
tried to asertain the sexual relationship between the author
and Henry Wriothsley, to whom the poem is dedicated. <<<

Yes, I am aware of his fruitless labor.

>>>> This,
from a poet, using text to examine the man. <<<

Yes, a repugnant approach, unless he examined
it from the standpoint of what is in some way evidenced
about the man. As it did not, it was pointless, and
nonsense. Humorous, at times, scandalous, and even
grist for the scandal-mill. However, rather vapid and
pointless, in the main.


Posted by Bruce Spielbauer on April 15, 1997 at 15:03:17
In Reply to "Bruce, you keep saying that good scholarship dictates" posted by Bill Routhier on April 15, 1997 at 07:07:44


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