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My apologies to Prospero, but this must be said

Dear no-brain, or I hacked up a furball,

As someone who knows Anthony, what an ass are you! And no, that's not a question. Anthony is a straight A student with an average over 90% in English. He is the hardest worker I've ever seen and I don't think there was anything about his post that confessed his stupidity or laziness. I think you are just an egotistical bastard looking for a head rush. This web site is not the place to be playing games on unless you know your stuff, 'cause you're gonna get burnt. Between Bruce Speilbaur, Scott Schieffelbein, and LunarCaustic(sorry about the spelling guys) there are plenty of intelligent authorities on Shakespeare.

I think I speak for most of the people here when I say, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything! If you don't like what someone has to say, just leave the post alone. The rest of us don't want to read mindless drivel from bitter, BRAINLESS idiots such as yourself. It takes enough time to sift through all the information on this site without having to read all your crap too.

Once again, I'm sorry Prospero about my language and negative reaction to this idiot, but Anthony is my friend and a hard worker, and I'm sick of all the people who're coming here to bash the students. The title is interested students and I think that we should trust that all posts are from such people unless BLATANTLY shown otherwise.


Posted by Kari on March 26, 1997 at 20:12:55
In Reply to "you need assistance, huh?" posted by Brain and Furball on March 26, 1997 at 16:37:17


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