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Sophocles and Shakespeare

Here are a few ideas that might help to stimulate your thoughts...

Both plays open with an unnatural death: the death of Antigone's brother before the beginning of Antigone and the death of King Hamlet before the beginning of Hamlet. Both plays present a protagonist that is troubled about the death and seeks to honor the dead -- Hamlet by avenging his father's murder, Antigone by giving her brother a proper burial. In both plays the execution (sorry, really bad pun) of this honor is blocked by the King: Creon doesn't want Antigone to bury a traitor, and Claudius rather wants to live. ;) Unless I'm mistaken (it's been a while since I've read Antigone) both Antigone and Hamlet contemplate suicide at one point... I'm sure about Hamlet but not as certain that Antigone does. One other important point: both plays acknowledge the existence of the afterlife! Hamlet's Ghost comes back, and Hamlet worries that killing Claudius in prayer will send the King to heaven; Antigone feels that she is doing a service to the gods by burying Polonius and claims to be seeking approval from the divine rather than the human (specifically, rather than Creon) .

Like I said, it's been quite a while since I've read through Antigone, so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details... but hopefully you can get more specific in your paper.

Good luck, and remember to always be vegitant!


Posted by Rogue on April 01, 1997 at 09:33:20
In Reply to "I need a comparison of Hamlet vs. Antigone. Please help me!!!!!!!!!" posted by Paula on March 31, 1997 at 16:02:04


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