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The question should be: Did the ghost mislead Hamlet?

Your original question, "How did the ghost mislead Hamlet", assumes that the ghost did indeed mislead Hamlet. This is an assumption few people make; most agree that Hamlet is right in fulfilling the ghost's command. The issue would then become: "Did the ghost mislead Hamlet?" or "How might the ghost have misled Hamlet?" Arguments on these issues revolve around whether private revenge is right or not. Eleanor Prosser's book "Hamlet & Revenge" deals with this issue. Textually, we notice that Hamlet does not plan the death of Claudius but seems to be merely an instrument of providence: "there's a divinity that shapes our ends." Shakespeare takes especial pains to make sure we are aware of this. Hamlet is not taking the place of God by deciding on a man's life. The prayer scene is also an interesting example of this, here Hamlet takes it upon himself to condemn Claudius to hell (who are we mortals to decide such things?). The irony of the situation underscores this, if Hamlet had left it to heaven,
Claudius would have gone to hell. Hamlet's decision causes the mistaken slaying of Polonius, an act that leads to his own downfall through Laertes' revenge. Notice here that Hamlet is not killed by the unbated sword or poisoned drink (the ideas of Claudius), but by the venom on the sword (Laertes' idea). Going back to the ghost itself, one may notice the line "Taint not thy mind". Is not the ghost tainting Hamlet's mind?
In all, the character of the ghost is not clear-cut. The logic that because its message is true (that Claudius murdered Hamlet's father) justifies its advocation of revenge is faulty. Murdering Claudius, though revenging Old Hamlet's death, might very well cause the damnation of Hamlet's soul.

Posted by Martin on April 01, 1997 at 14:07:45
In Reply to "How did the ghost in hamlet misled him?" posted by Christopher Fortier on March 30, 1997 at 16:51:39


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