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Ask yourself this: How does she feel? How would she RATHER feel? Is there anyone present who could do something that would make her feel that way? What could they do? If you are an actor and your question comes from problems with Act 4, this might help. What you want that person to do is your (Ophelia's) objective. Your tactics become the things you do to try to get that person to do what you want.If you are reading it, then there are numerous objectives and interpretations depending one which source(s) you draw upon and how you interperet the relationships she has with Hamlet and Polonius so you really need to go back in the play and look at those before you can form an opinion about Act 4.
Posted by Lillith on April 16, 1997 at 08:03:11
In Reply to "Act 4 Ohelia in depth" posted by Sheryl on April 15, 1997 at 17:23:24
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