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Before deciding whether it was Oxford or Bacon or Marlowe, the first question to ask is Why not Shakespeare? And here is the WHOLE answer: we know Shakespeare didn't go to university, and only a college grad could have written the plays. Belive that, and then the game becomes Pick Your Favorite College Grad. But why believe that in the first place? Assuming (and there is reason to assume this) that he went to the Stratford school until age 16 or so, he would have learned very little science, basic math, and more history, literature, Greek, Latin, rhetoric and creative writing than 99% of today's college grads. Once there's no real reason to think it wasn't Sh, there's no point guessing who else it was.Posted by Hamlet on March 23, 1997 at 12:27:14
In Reply to "The old debate... was he really?" posted by Darrel Kelley on March 22, 1997 at 19:35:18
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